Whatever sector your business operates in, chances are you will at some point require temporary power. Planned maintenance, unexpected outages, additional seasonal demand, construction sites, events and standby power are just a handful of the applications whereby a generator may be needed.
related: Generator hire
When you do hire temporary power, you need to be sure that the company you choose to deal with are experienced, knowledgeable and reliable. After all, if the power to your business fails production grinds to a halt, servers and networks go offline, critical systems can be grounded and even telephones stop ringing. The end result can be missed deadlines, lost production, angry customers and wasted business opportunities.
You can see from the above examples that the potential cost to your business of an interrupted power supply cannot be over-stated. Therefore, it is imperative that you choose your generator hire supplier with the utmost care. Most plant hire companies will claim to offer generators as part of their fleet of general hire equipment, and can sometimes seem to do so at cheap rates. This is because they do not understand how to add value through professional generator hire. In this respect, I cannot urge you strongly enough to use a hire company with a dedicated specialist generator business who will: